About Me
Learning About The Three Divisions Of Construction

My name is Michael Jones and this blog focuses on the three divisions of construction. Building construction is what most people are familiar with and this consists of the building of homes and businesses. Industrial construction is the operation of erecting manufacturing plants and refineries. Infrastructure is another type of construction that focuses on the building of large projects, such as bridges and dams. I became interested in this subject many years ago after I watched a television documentary about construction. Since then, I've done a lot of research to learn everything I can about the various types of construction. If this topic also interests you, you'll find out a lot of information by reading this blog.


Advantages Of Slot Trenching Through Hydro-Excavation

1 June 2015
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Slot trenching tends to be a very common purpose for hydro-excavation. Slot trenching is the process of creating relatively narrow trenches for a variety of different purposes. Possible purposes include installing pipes, utility lines, or sprinkler systems, uncovering previously laid utility lines, and installing ground lines around a foundation's perimeter.  Although in the past other equipment such as mechanical ditch trenchers were used for slot trenching, hydro-excavating has rapidly taken over as the major means of carrying out this excavation task because of the many advantages it offers. Read More …

Things To Consider Before Renting A Mini Excavator For The First Time

20 May 2015
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you're the adventurous type of person who loves to take on new challenges, perhaps you should consider renting a mini excavator for digging trenches, moving around huge rocks and piles of debris or various other mechanized excavating activities. Learning can be a rewarding experience on its own and you'll certainly save a decent chunk of cash doing it on your own rather than leaving it to the professionals. But there are some important downsides you should consider before renting a mini excavator for the first time. Read More …

How To Make Glass Jar Lights And Lamps

11 May 2015
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you want to add some creative lighting to your home, you can use different sized glass jars to create some fun lights and lamps. When you make your own glass jar lights, you are in control of giving them a design that works perfectly for your home's décor. You can also choose the brightness of the lighting to meet the needs of the area in which it will be used. Read More …

The Simple Guide To Finding Water And Drilling For Rural Homes Without Utility Services

4 May 2015
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you live in an area that has few utility services, there are some basic needs like water that you will need for your home. This can be difficult if you are not sure where the best place to drill is and what type of mechanical systems you need for a water well. There are a lot of things that you can do to find water and get the well for your home drilled. Read More …

Keep The Water Flowing And Your Home Secure - Warning Signs Of Sewer Line Clogs

20 April 2015
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Owning your own home can be extremely exciting and rewarding, but it also comes with a wide variety of challenges. Chief among these is developing the knowledge base that allows you to predict household incidents before they occur and being ready to respond appropriately. Your sewer system is one of the more specialized but also more vital of these potential sources of home trouble. Below, you'll find a guide to some warning signs that you may be facing a backup in your sewage system. Read More …